Microblading review

Risks and Side Effects of Microblading

Microblading is a technique that resembles tattooing. The procedure adds permanent makeup to your face with the use of a tattooing tool made up of several tiny needles. The procedure is very popular among celebrities, and can last for up to one year, with proper aftercare. There are many benefits to microblading, including a natural-looking, brow-enhancing effect. But before you get your first treatment, you should know the procedure's risks and how to avoid it. Read more about microblading Los Angeles.


One of the biggest mistakes when microblading eyebrows is not keeping the correct angle for the blade to enter the skin. You can create high-quality hair strokes by sticking to a perpendicular angle. This is similar to cutting paper with a pair of scissors; the result will be a fuzzier hair stroke. Here are some techniques to keep in mind when microblading eyebrows. Follow these tips to create a better looking result:


Aftercare for microblading involves a couple of steps. After the procedure, you will need to avoid makeup for at least 10 days. Obviously, you might be tempted to wear makeup on the rest of your face, but you don't want any makeup removal products coming in contact with the treated area. Also, avoid excessive sun exposure or sweating, as they can cause irritation. Aftercare is essential for the longevity of your new microblading design.


A Microblading Training will cost you a minimum of $1500 but can go up to $2500. It depends on where you choose to learn, how much you want to invest, and what your instructor is willing to charge. The PhiBrows Royal Artist is willing to sell online trainings for much less. This is a good way to learn the technique for much less money than you might expect. Afterward, you can sell your trainings to clients or earn extra money.

Side effects

Depending on the procedure, a person may have several possible side effects of microblading, including itchy or crusty skin, or scarring. Infections may be present and require steroid injections or antihistamines. Because pigment is injected into the skin, the body may attack it. This reaction is the body's natural defense mechanism, and granulomas may develop weeks, months, or years after the procedure. Some people experience no side effects, while others have experienced permanent scarring.


Before you schedule your appointment with a microblading service, there are some important precautions you should know. For instance, you should not apply any form of Botox or facial peeling for at least three weeks before the appointment. You should also avoid getting a sunburn, as the brows are sensitive and may heal slower than usual. Additionally, you should avoid being in the sun for the first two weeks.

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